It’s finally that time of the year where we scavenge for the best treats to give to our friends and families to celebrate the holidays. Finding that perfect snack that satisfies your loved one’s tastebuds can often be challenging as no one wants to give a gift that only meets halfway.
Through the essence of 12 Flavors of Christmas, we aim to take that holiday gift-giving burden away as we find the perfect local shop for you. Qookies Homemade provides various treats that you can give to your friends and families this holiday season. From plant-based delicacies to authentic pastries, you can find all of these in the comfort of one shop.
Qookies Homemade
@qookieshomemade Qookies Homemade, a shop based in the south of Metro Manila, is filled with various homemade delicacies that you can enjoy this holiday season. With over four different flavors of cookies and two different flavors of oreo bars, they offer a diverse selection of treats that you can gift to your loved ones whether they have food restrictions or not.
For only PHP 33, you can enjoy a piece of their Signature Chocolate Chip Cookie that has the perfect balance of sweet and flavorful. They also have a diverse selection of flavors: Brown Butter White Chocolate Chip, which is PHP 36 per piece; Matcha White Chocolate Chip, which is PHP 47 per piece; and the Plant-Based Qookie, which is PHP 45 per piece.
Since we are never satisfied with just one cookie, Qookies Homemade also offers various quantities depending on personal preference but keep in mind that the price varies depending on which flavor you choose to give to your loved ones. They also give you an option to create a tub that consists of a dozen cookies, wherein you can select the quantity of each flavor.
Qookies Homemade also provides custom cookie pies wherein one can create a variety of flavors and designs. With this option, you can show your creativity with your chosen dedication for the cookie pie as well as the combination of flavors you think your loved ones will enjoy.
Overall, Qookies Homemade is a local shop that means to satisfy everyone’s tastebuds. Whether during the holiday season or just in the mood to satisfy cravings, sweet and homemade delicacies are never a bad option. If you want to see more of their delicious treats and special offers, head over to their Instagram at @qookieshomemade